Videos, Articles, and current events. Battle of the medias.

The latest breaking news has been about Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret child and love affair with a household staffer. It’s been talked about on twitter, in videos, and articles, but today I’ll analyze a video and article written on the recent scandal and point out the differences between the way these new media report news.

For once it is hard to chose which form of media captures my attention the most. Though differnent forms of media, “old” and “new”, they pretty much are reporting the exact information and share some of the same quotes to the public. The article though a bit long focuses on the governor’s indiscretions and then switches to focusing on Maria Shriver’s role as a supportive wife for the past 25 years. Unlike the video, the article includes more information including tweets from the governor’s children that are sure to capture the attention of the audience.

The video allows viewers to watch clips of the governor and his wife and family and takes viewers through the stages of the couple’s relationship. From supporting each other to their separation. Unlike the article the video also includes the opinions of the public and includes a powerful sound clip of a woman that says she wishes that she could “take back her vote” because she thinks that Schwarzenegger is a “disgusting man.”

MY OPINION: When it comes to the battle of the media’s I think this week it’s a tie. They both equally capture the attention of the public…or at least I think so.



Which new media gets the MESSAGE ACROSS?

Osama Bin Laden was recently captured and killed a cause for celebration for many citizens in the United States who lost loved one and fellow citizens on 9/11. His death and the celebrations that occured around the counrty were covered by media all over America particularly through  newspapers and videos.

VIDEO: Although the video posted does not include any narrations it appropriately conveys the reaction that many people in the U.S., particularly young people felt. You can tell that they are overjoyed and estatic over the news that Osama is dead, by their screaming and excessive chanting of “U.S.A.” Their emotions are exuberated through the video making you want to chant  “U.S.A” along with them whether you think the killing of Osama was wrong or not.

 ARTICLE: The article unlike the video contains much more detail and information that the video does. Although it does not contain any audio and people may not be able to connect with the article as they did with the video it is much more informative and still conveys the reaction of citizens.

Which new media gets the reaction of Americans across better?: The video. In my opinion the video allows people to see and hear the reaction of citizens and to connect with them. I would rather read the article than watch the video because it contains more information and conveys the emotions of citizens now that Osama is gone.



Tweets and Op-Eds

Both Tweets and Op-Eds allow pepole to share their opinons on everyday and controversial issues. But which new media is more effective in getting an individual’s opinion across to the public, who they are trying to reach out to or sway? Though they are both outlets that people use to voice their opinions they differ which can be exemplified through an article and tweet about gay marriage. (one opposes gay marriage while the other is for gay marriage).

TWEETS are…..

  • short
  • to the point
  • can be “retweeted” if liked by many
  • can be informative
  • can contain alot of gossip.
  • opinionated

The tweets posted for @GayMarriage are short, to the point, and informative, and opinionated. Obviously the tweets are for gay marriage and may be more attractive to readers than an op-ed (for or against gay marriage) simply because it tells you everything that you want or need to know in a few characters . Unlike op-eds tweets can be “retweeted” and shared by millions of people at at time, making something as simple as a tweet a little more attention-grabbing and effective than an op-ed.

OP-EDS are…

  • often long
  • very opinonated (it is an opinon editorial after all)
  • can be informative as well
  • does not often include gossip ( a plus)

In the op-ed written by William Bennett, former U.S. Secratary of Education, and conservative politician, Bennett opposes gay marriage because he believes that it can potentiallycause long-term social damage. His op-ed is relatively long (very long when compared to a short tweet), opinonated, and informative (if you’re a conservative).


On the issue of gay marriage I believe that gays and lesbians should have a right to equal marriage rights because they are people who deserve to be treated equally and with respect regardless of the gender that they love. Who are we to judge someone just because they have a different ideology than us? The answer: Nobody. Gay marriage should be legalized.

When it comes to which new media can catch a readers attention faster TWITTER definetely wins. We live in a generation where we want things fast, short, (because we don’t like to read) and sweet, not someone who rambles on about what they think on an issue, especially when the reader disagrees with what the writer is saying.


Twitter page:!/gaymarriage

Blogs v. Articles? You Decide.

Blogs and articles can be very different even when they are written on the same topic. The particular blog and article below pertain to the recent birther debate between Donald Trump  and Pres. Barack Obama. In this blog we are going to take a look at how blogs and articles differ. YOU decide the pros and cons of each. Which one would you rather write or read. (OLD or NEW?) 🙂


  • 1.  Have hard core facts and enough substantial information to make the article accurate and informative for readers.
  • 2. Tend to be longer than blogs and have more content.
  • 3.Include details and cannot veer from the topic at hand.

 The article on the birther debate includes all of these factors:

1.” Until now he refused to publicly display the longer document, saying he did not want to spend time on or lend legitimacy to critics who questioned his citizenship…” = hard facts and answer the who, what, where, and why, questions.

2. The article is 2 pages  as opposed to the blog post that is a page. (including pictures!)

3. “Real estate mogul Donald Trump, a possible GOP presidential contender who recently placed himself at the forefront of the birther movement….” All of the detail is in bold. A blogger would never use that much detail they would stick to “Donald Trump….”


  • 1. Contain opinions and more opinions.
  • 2. Are more outspoken and more bias to their cause while articles tend to be less bias.
  • 3. They can be harsh fact checkers.
  • 4. Tend to mock whatever they disagree with.

The blog on the birther debate included all of these factors:

1. “Trump goes too far when he claims that that our president has finally released a birth certificate.” an article could never include this much opinion and bias into a sentence.

2.  “Pinnochio”:” Trump continues his pattern of simply making things up. Sometimes it is hard to find where the thread of truth might even begin.” = Outspoken blogger

3. “Wrong. The United States is not a big consumer of Libyan oil, but it gets some, while China is far from the biggest customer.” The blogger blatantly said that Trump was WRONG something an article could not blatantly do.

4. Trump’s Pinnochio Test:

Four Pinocchios


So…. Do you choose to be an old school article writer or a new school opinionated blogger without a censor?



The Difference between the OLD and NEW

I recently just read an article about Egypt’s former President Hosni Mubarak and his detained sons and compared it to a video that presented the same information on the The New York Times and on Youtube, here’s what I found….

1. Attention Span: If you have a short attention span videos are definetely for you. As opposed to the written article it gives you the information faster and still keeps you interested.

2. When it comes to videos more is more!: The more color, pictures, and eye-grabbing headlines that there are in a video the more likely the person watching the video (me) will continue to watch the video. Unlike words written on a page in an article, making a video allows a person to be creative in getting there point across.

3. Include a Picture with an article: It sounds really juvenile but including a picture with an article quickly captures the readers attention and if the picture is interesting or intriguing they will be more likely to read the article.

What you can take from these three tips: New media, such as the video on The New York Times page can be a little more interesting than old media, although I do love to read a good article, making videos and posting them on new media sites such as Youtube, Facebook, or on a website such as  The New York Times can spread the news or entertainment faster and can be more creative and fun to make compared to writing an article.

Links to article and websites:

10 Golden Rules of Social Media Review

I just read an article on the “rules” of social media that really put blogging into perspective. The writer Aliza Sherman gave 10 Golden Rules that most bloggers should abide by, although a lot of  good points are made, here are 4  that I really think most bloggers should  know! ( in the order that they are ranked)

1. Repsect the Spirit of the Net: COMMUNICATE and CONNECT with people on a more personal level. Doing so can take you far and make your blogs more interesting and will capture people’s attention.

2. Listen: Know how your audience feels and what type of emotions you can get out of them. So listen, it’s the best way to gain insight!

9. Be Real: Don’t try to be someone your’e not after all authenticity is the “secret ingredient behind any good and valuable social media.”

10. Collaborate: Two heads are better than One! Look for who is out there that does well and how you can work with them to make your blog better. You’ll be sure to generate a better audience!

New Era, New media..

There are three things that I particulary like about new media…

The first, new media enables people to communicate and stay in contact with each other for fun and in times of crisis. For example during the tsunami in Japan, victims of the earthquake and tsunami used sites such as Twitter to stay in contact with family and friends.

Second, social marketing! New media allows people to market themselves, products, and many other things in a fast and creative manner! If you want to spread the word about a party, Facebook or Twitter can spread the news like wildfire!

Third, New media means going green! With the new media industry taking over the media industry our society is using less paper and using the web and not paper to write articles and blogs. New media means more people going green which is always a better alternative!

Welcome to the New Generation!

Hey everyone,

My name is Nimat, and this is my blog about new media. This blog will include information and facts about the way new media is changing our world and the powerful media industry. I willl also compare the differences between old and new media, and blog about the way new media is effecting traditional “old” media.

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!